Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A new adventure...

...well, it's sort of a new adventure. This is our 3rd trip out to the Phoenix area to see Grant and Bobbie (Sun City West, AZ for all of you actually keeping track). I figured the road trip blog worked great for me since I like to journal on vacation and I'm a much quicker (and more legible!) typer than writer.

So, all of that being said, if you would like to follow along on this trip, check back over the next week or so. I doubt that there will be images of grizzlies and massive waterfalls, but you might catch pictures from a wicked pickle-ball game!!


sandy said...

I want to see the sunshine and feel the heat in this one Shauna... Love ya Saaaaaa.

Rosie said...

Make sure you bring some of that sun back with you...